Lawangsih Mary cave is located on Menoreh hills, precisely in Patihombo, Purwosari village, Girimulyo district, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Lawangsih cave entered the area of Pelemdukuh, Lady of Fatima the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Nanggulan, Kevikepan Yogyakarta dan archdiocese Semarang.
At the beginning of time, the Lawangsih cave was inhabited by many bats and owned by a resident named, T. Sutikno. Then donated to the church and eventually used as a sacred place of worship by Father Ignatius Slamet Riyanto.
The cave was built with traditional types of equipment and not modern tools, which is miraculous. For nearly a year, the Catholics and residents worked together, digging, cleaning, and making the cave. All done with passion and good cooperation.
It derives from mace and compassion, Lawang in Javanese means the door, and Asih means affection, love, blessings, and grace. Spiritually, Lawangsih appoints the meaning of Mary as the gate of heaven, thanks to the door. Mary is intermediary for Jesus has redeemed the sins of mankind, and brings to life eternal.
The style of architecture used by Lawangsih Cave is interesting, the arrangement of the natural stones on the west side chapel adds to the beautiful atmosphere. The natural form of limestone maintains without changing the wall, that is the suggestion of Fr. YB. Mangunwijaya's notable architecture. Behind the altar is decorated with several paintings depicting the Puppet Kingdom of Heaven, painting deer with green grass that was on the altar, and at the backside of Mary's virgin statue. Plastered pictures of five loaves and two fishes above, symbolize sharing expression and the manifestation of the faith.