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Sultan Palace Jogja
Sultan Palace Jogja is also called Karaton, Keraton, or Kraton, those words come from Keratuan, which means the place where the King lives. Simple clarification broader means each structure and buildings in Sultan Palace have a necessary meaning related to the essential of the Javanese philosophy of life. Significantly Sangkan Paraning Dumadi means the origin conjointly destination of the creature.
Generally, the Sultan Palace house stretches 5 kilometers southwest to Krapyak village and combines within the north until the Tugu monument. The linear reversal line tells the philosophical symbol: the direction from south to north symbolizes the birth of the creature from the high place to the spoilable world, opposite manner has symbolized the return of the creatures to Dumadi (God in Javanese philosophy). The Palace is a physical image and conjointly the King an image of the necessary soul, which is present in the shape.
The Sultan Palace lines up to the Tugu monument representing a road life full of temptations. The Beringharjo market symbolizes women's temptation, and the Kepatihan building symbolizes power temptation. The straight street connects between Sultan Palace, and the Tugu monument symbolizes the shut relationship between the creature and the Creator (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi). In the short meaning, the Tugu monument is an image of Lingga (male sex organ), and Krapyak symbolizes Yoni (female sex organ). Therefore the Palace is a physical mixture of two things.
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