Tanjung Puting

Tanjung Puting National Park has some ecosystems such as dry tropical forestland, lowland, freshwater, swamp, and coastal forests. The lowland forest plants, such as Jelutung, Ramin, Meranti, Kruing, and Rattan dominate at Tanjung Puting. Endangered species should be protected inhabit Tanjung Puting National Park. They are Pongo, probosci's monkey, leaf monkey, Honey Bear, Malayan mouse deer, leopard, cat, and many more.

Tanjung Puting National Park into rehab Pongo rehabilitation has 3 locations: Camp Leakey, Tanjung Harapan, and Pondok Tanggui. Pongid of Borneo has dark reddish fur and a tail. As they get older, cheek meat men will come out, like a pillow. The more they get older, the cheeks will grow bigger.

Some interesting objects to do in Tanjung Puting National Park:

  • Tanjung Harapan
    Tanjung Harapan is the first station to get the rehabilitation process pongid. It is in the middle of a swamp forest and available for a guesthouse, information center, tracks, and paths
  • Pondok Tangui
    An orangutan who has gone through phases of the wild in Pondok Tanggui is moved to the cottage. They are constantly monitored and avoid direct contact with humans
  • Camp Leakey
    The company was founded in 1971 in the middle of the primary forest. As a location for pongid semi-wild as well as younger pongid and the birth of 3 years old
  • Natai Lengkuas
    This is a research station in Tanjung Puting proboscis and there can see other animals along the river
Indonesia Tourism: 
Borneo Tourism