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Stone Carving

The Stone Carving art natural could use as a base for carving crafts. Engraving of natural stone with some models and forms adorns any wall, or fence, with fine interesting wooden carving.
The material comes from Yogyakarta or Majalengka, and it has beautiful reliefs and is unique. The model is much preferred sculptural floral, animal, nature, or form of royal history. Regardless of model size, natural stone shows the character of the house and is close to nature. Stonework can augment with a splash of water flowing. The atmosphere was like a river flowing, makes feel at home for a long to stay enjoying it.
The stone carving uses as a sweetener room only, but natural stone can also be used as a complement to the house interior. The owner usually makes the rock of the exterior and interior to get a cool atmosphere in the house. This natural stone will look beautiful when placed over the front garden, the backside of the house with fish fountains statue, and carved natural stone, like fishes and frogs designed rhythm sound of water splashing.
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