Ambarawa Train Museum lies in the small town of Ambarawa, which lies in the south part of Semarang City, Central Java province. This little town has a train museum built in 1873, at the time of the Prince William I period. The museum has several rooms: an office room, a passenger waiting room, an old loco collection, and a garden. Ambarawa Railway Museum locates on the slope of Mount Telomoyo, and it is about a 2.5 hour's drive from Yogyakarta.
Dieng Plateau is one of the famous tourist spots in Central Java province. Dieng is the highest plateau in Java, and it lies between Wonosobo and Banjarnegara. Dieng's name comes from 2 Sanskrit words, "Ardi" means beautiful, and Hyang means high. Dieng Plateau tells about the beautiful winsome as a place for Gods and Goddesses to reside. So, Dieng means a mountainous area where the Gods and Goddesses live. Dieng is a village in bordering district counties, and it is approximately 26 kilometers north of Wonosobo town.